Procedures to Treat Kidney Stones

Extending services to patients suffering from urinary or genital diseases, simple or

complex, for all age groups including children and adults

These services fall under 3 specialized units, namely, Laser, Lithotripsy and Endoscopy units

Key services/ procedures include:

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) without surgery using electromagnetic wave.

Lithotripsy without surgery by endoscopy.

Endoscopic surgery for large and complex urethral stones.

Endoscopic treatment for prostate, bladder and ureter diseases.

Number of Lithotripsy Cases

  • Mohandesin Branch
  • October Branch

Number of Kidney Dialysis Cases

  • Mohandesin Branch
  • October Branch

Kidney Dialysis

Kidney Dialysis: the Nephrology Unit primarily offers the regular hemodialysis services as well as peritoneal dialysis for the chronic kidney failure cases, IHUN also offers plasmapheresis for patients with auto-immune diseases

Patients suffering from kidney failure who are undergoing hemodialysis need to have on average 12 sessions per month.